Tuesday, January 25, 2011


So, I've had some weird cravings lately.  (No! I'm not pregnant!!!)  I've had these hankerings for some of the strangest things, mostly for foods that I always wanted as a kid, but very seldom got.  I think that now that I'm a mom I'm figuring out 1) why I didn't get these things very often and 2) that I now have an excuse to buy them.  The other day I wanted some spaghettio's, so that's what I fixed Jack for dinner.  After one bite I thought, what was I thinking?!  Growing up I always wanted a kid cuisine meal.  I thought it was so cool how each food had it's own compartment and of course the foods were extremely kid friendly.  None of that made from scratch stuff my mom made us eat.  So, the other night, since the hubs was out of town and I was tired, I made Jack a kid cuisine with cheese ravioli.  Of course since it was a childhood dream of mine I had to sneak a bite.  Again, I was so disappointed!  The food literally felt and tasted like rubber!  My most recent craving has been for a Little Debbie oatmeal cream pie.  I've sat on this one for several days, scared that I may be let down again.  I'm wondering if it would be better to satisfy my craving and be disappointed or just have all of the hype in my head?  I'm thinking I just need to go home and have my mom make me one from scratch.   

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Food for Thought

I've come to realize that it is useless to try to make heads or tails of a toddlers eating habits.  Some days I thin Jack is going to eat us out of the house other days I don't know how he survives on so little and am surprised that he doesn't blow away.  Some days he loves yogurt; other days he doesn't want anything to do with it.  He may love a food one day and hate it the next.  I've also learned that ketchup should be a food group.  If I am ever trying to get Jack to eat anything I can give him ketchup and it usually does the trick.  One day Jack was actually dipping his grapes in his ketchup, but he was eating, so who was I to stop him?!  Just the other day I gave Jack some chicken and in my efforts to try to coax him in to eating I gave him some ketchup.  He did start eating, but not his chicken.  He had used his spoon and was eating a spoonful of ketchup!  Jack's new favorite thing to do with his food is to play with it.  This can come in the form of throwing it, smashing it between his fingers, or putting it on his head.  My husband and I are struggling to manage this behavior.  I know the worst thing I can do is laugh, but that is easier said than done!  When your son throws mashed potatoes at your spouse and you look over and he's so proud because he has a piece of banana balancing on his the whole time, it's really hard not to crack a smile.  Once again, I'm the mom I swore I would never be...  more often than not I don't care what he is eating as long as he is eating and the food is ending up in his belly and not on the floor, walls, or in his hair.