Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Top 10 Things I've learned about being a parent...

10.  Never wake a sleeping baby!
9.  I've learned to never get upset when your kid poos, because the alternative is even worse.
8.  I've learned to pick my battles wisely.  I'm only going to fight the ones I can win.
7.  Sometimes I am "that mom" I always complained about.
6.  I've done all of those things that I swore I would never do to my kids.
5.  Holidays are way more fun with kids.
4.  Having my own kid has made me realize how smart, understanding, and patient my own mother was.
3.  The greatest sound in the world is hearing my baby laugh.
2.  I can pick out my son's cry or scream from the opposite side of any store.
1.  My mom was right when she said that I was wrong when I told her that "I could never love something as much as I did my dog."

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I remember being in Sam's and we heard a scream from across the store and you said 'sounds like it's time to go'. It's like sonar or something!
