Friday, September 2, 2011

10 Things You May Not Know About Me

Let me start off by saying that I'm not proud of all of these...  :)

10.  I really wish that I had some sort of musical talent.  I can't do anything musically.  I even get embarrassed when I have to sing Happy Birthday.
9.  Fall is my favorite season!  I love everything about it; fall leaves, football, comfort food, and Thanksgiving!
8.  I love to cook but I hate to bake.  I just don't have the patience.
7.  I really wish I had some sort of creative talent.  I have so many friends that can do so many things and although I've tried several of them, I just don't have the creative niche.  Hopefully I'll find it one of these days.
6.  According to the MMPI I am elevated in the area of passive aggressiveness.  Don't make fun of me, it's probably true when I think about it.  I'll let you know in my own subtle way.  :)
5.  I hated reading as a kid but am starting to enjoy it now.  In elementary and high school I would do whatever I could to get out of reading a book.  For goodness sakes, I did a book report my senior year on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  Although I have become fond of reading, I'm still embarrassed as to how long it actually takes me to get through a book.
4.  I still love kid cereal.  I don't know if it's because my mom only let us have it on Saturday mornings, but I still can't pass up a bowl of Lucky Charms or Fruity Pebbles.  Lucky for me, now I have a kid to buy it for.
3.  I'm a believer that we get more of what we are looking for.  If we look at the positive we will see more positive and visa versa.  Life's to short to focus on the negative.
2.  I'm a life long learner.  I know it sounds kind of nerdy but I love to learn.  I miss sitting in a classroom and that feeling like I am making myself better.  I am actually thinking about going back to school to get my school psych examiners license.
1.  The truth of the matter is, I want people to like me.  It's sad how much energy that I put into this and probably the reason why I fretted for almost 24 hours about what I was going to write in this blog.