Thursday, April 14, 2011

Is this going to make us or break us?

I haven't blogged for quite awhile.  Our family has been very busy with lots of exciting changes that are happening in our life! 
We are relocating to Republic, Missouri this summer.  We are excited about being closer to family and the opportunities that are ahead of us.  With this has also come a lot of stress.  Finding a job, selling our house, finding another and making sure that we are all prepared for the move.  Sometimes all of this stress makes me wonder if this is the right decision for our family...  We know it is going to pay off in the long run and allow us to spend more time together so we are really trying to keep our focus on the big picture and trying to think of our current transition as temporary.  :)  I can see how moving and leaving everything you know could really make or break a relationship.  I'm happy to say that we are making it!!!  I feel like Jack and I are on the same team and working towards a common goal.  I can't think of a more supportive partner  or anyone else that I would want to  take this journey with.

1 comment:

  1. Awe! It's going to be awesome :). Now 'see you later' really will be see you later!
